My Top Ten Most Popular Posts of 2012

Rather than strain anyone's patience with some high-minded Resolutions of the annual variety, I will engage in New Years Navel Gazing by taking a look back at the most popular posts I produced during this past year. I intended to post something new every day and succeeded just over one third of the time. And popularity is, of course, a very relative term considering that it's rather rather rare for me to get pageviews that number in the triple digits, and as you'll see, those pageviews don't always indicate anyone is actually reading the post that's been accessed.

Though it barely made the cut, I am proud of this one since my brief little review was cited by its subject. I assume a fair number of its pageviews came through that link, alongside the links provided to more legitimate reviews by SFGate and the Daily Cal. Ah, the democracy of opinions that is the Internet.

This post was just me hoping to get some of that José Martí magic to rub off on my site. Seriously, lots of people are searching for pictures of José Martí on Google Image and some of them found one A Gilded Planet. I'm happy to be of service.

I wrote about the bust and plaque dedicated to Robert Oppenheimer that is conspicuously missing information regarding his invention of the atomic bomb.

My travel writing is relatively popular simply because slightly more people want to know what I did in foreign countries than what I think of that dumb Kristen Stewart Snow White movie.

Word clouds are cool, and they take very little work to produce! Note to self: post more word clouds in 2013.

5. Catachresis of the Meme: An Ironical Phenomenon of Self-Annihilation
I wrote a half-serious analysis about the memetic evolution of the term 'internet meme.' Some people read it. Or at least looked at it. Readership, viewership, same difference right?

More travel writing. 

I argued that the only thing worthwhile in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows was the cross dressing gay romance at its center, but the post's popularity was probably due almost entirely to people looking for pictures of Robert Downey Jr. dressed as a woman on Google Image.

Very few words in this post and that tends to be popular. Also, funny beards!

In a completely expected twist, my musings about the popularity of monster truck pictures, along with examples of said pictures, turned out to be my most popular post in 2012 by a long shot. As in the only 2012 post to receive more than a thousand pageviews. Go figure. People really love pictures of monster trucks.


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