Dangerously Bland

A Dangerous Method
2011. 99 minutes. Canada. Directed by David Cronenberg. Watchdate: 1/3/2012.
What a disappointment! Rarely have I seen so much potential greatness squandered. Fassbender is great, he plays it understated more than I would have expected and it works very well. I don't think I've seen Viggo Mortensen do better work. Even Keira Knightly does a fairly good job. But the movie just doesn't go anywhere. It's so internalized, yet it seems like Cronenberg didn't take the time to figure out a good way to shoot the internalization which I know he can be great at doing. Very frustrating! I know people wrote lots of longhand letters in those days but come on, Cronenberg, you can do better than a bunch of mirthless voiceovers to dramatize such things, really.


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